If the same fruit is beautifully trimmed, it becomes such a pretty dessert. You only need to cut it a few times. See the pretty desserts made with oranges.
You can engrave your own shape on an ordinary glass bottle or glass.
The method is very simple and the time is short! Even shorter than 30 minutes is possible. I’ll tell you ~ Go Go Go ~
Your fashion dilemma is a full closet, yet you have nothing to wear, so you buy new clothes again. Here is an amazing tip to maximize your closet space! Ta-dah~! Recycle pop-tabs to double your closet space. ;D
Because buying a book reading desk is pricey!
If you have lots and lots of wire clothes hangers, packed in your storage room.
Plus, recycling is always good!
Take some time to get correctly how to store winter clothes by types of fabric this time. Then, you’ll be glad when the first cold day hits next winter. 😉
The biggest thing about spring preparations is the old dust cleaning!
I wipe the place every day, but there are many parts that I can’t clean easily, such as under the closet, under the refrigerator, and so on. Here’s a simple way to break down these dusts:D
Banana shells, used coffee powder, and egg shells that we commonly use and throw away are good nutrients for plants. This is a perfect DIY fertilizer for potted plants at home.
There is a fantastic way to peel an orange without a knife by just applying some special trick 😛
Try it for yourself!
If your shoes are tight or loose in your shoes, Here are some tips on how to wear them tightly to the feet 😀